Heat at Jazz – February 8, 2014


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  • “Mario Chalmers having no trouble getting past Trey Burke right now..”
  • “In it comes, down it goes. The Birdman with a dunk!”
  • “Kanter… Blocked out of bounds by Chris Bosh! That looked like a balloon and Bosh popped it!”
  • “LeBron driving on Kanter… Kanter may be suffering from motion sickness after that sequence.”
  • “Cole with the open three. Kaboom. Same spot, same result.”
  • “Here comes LeBron, picking up speed… Oh My! The 5-speed freight train just made a delivery.”
  • “Chalmers for 3. Kaboom! Well that corner three has been a magical spot. Not just tonight, but Heat fans know what I’m talking about.”
  • “Giddy up LeBron James”
  • “LeBron leads Wade… All the way to grandma’s house.”
  • “Chalmers arced it high over Kanter and found the bottom of the well.”