White Hot Heat – Part 3: The Crown 2012



Lockout. That’s how it began. Would there be a season? All the talk from the media’s skeptics circulated the LeBron narrative… Words spread like wildfire and the only fuel the public had was a lasting image of the Heat coming up short – and they didn’t let it down for months.

Then Christmas came early. The season was back on the books and we had a marquee matchup against the Mavericks. This was the NBA’s way of bringing a gift to the whole basketball world as ratings would be prime whether we won or lost – a front page news story was sure to come.

The energy and drive that was created after losing in the Finals has brought us to where we are today as we envision a 3peat on the horizon. 15 strong for 16 games is what it took in 2006 against the Mavericks, 2012 against the Thunder, 2013 against the Spurs, and now in 2014, where we make a push toward the ultimate prize: Larry O’Brien.


The Crown – 2012