White Hot Heat – Part 1: The History of the Miami Heat


Welcome, HeatNation!

MiamiHeatOldAs the 2014 Playoffs inch closer, the Miami Heat get set to embark on a historic journey toward a 3-peat. Over the next couple of days, there will be many videos posted on the Eric Reid Quote Blog to get us ready for Miami’s first round matchup against the Charlotte Bobcats.


Today we begin with a classic tribute to the History of the Miami Heat. This documentary, hosted by Eric Reid, takes us through the Heat’s first 20 year journey in the NBA, from 1988 to 2008.

As background into the first round matchup (something you can learn from the documentary) the Miami Heat share a history with the city of Charlotte, as the Hornets were the other team that expanded alongside the Heat in 1988.
But, the present Charlotte team, currently the Bobcats, are not the same Charlotte team with whom we once shared an expansion draft with, nor where the Heat acquired HOF Alonzo Mourning under Pat Riley’s leadership.
This Charlotte team, although they will be changing their name back to “Hornets” for the start of the 2014-15 season, joined the league in 2002, after the original Charlotte Hornets left to New Orleans to become the Pelicans.


As Big Willie Style, AKA Will Smith, AKA “Hitch” once said, “you can’t really know where you’re going, until you know where you’ve been…” With that in mind, take a look at the “History of the Miami Heat” series, and enjoy!


The History of the Miami Heat (1988-2008)



Click link below to continue watching… Continue reading

Grizzlies at Heat – March 21, 2014 (Mike Miller Ring Night)



  • “Wade under duress, but right on the money.”
  • “Greg Oden comes out … and the baton gets passed to Chris Anderson.”
  • Tony Fio: “It’s a battle of the bigs tonight, there’s gonna be a lot of banging.”
  • “LeBron goes bottom up on the wing jumper over Gasol.”
  • “…And LeBron throws it out of bounds – Cole had vacated the area.”
  • “Bosh for 3… Ka-Bosh!”
  • “Allen… nifty score from Ray Allen … he has 14 ageless minutes of the bench.”
  • “When it comes to Greg Oden, size matters.”
  • “The decibel level, matching the energy level by the heat… keep on rising.”
  • “LeBron climbed the ladder and scored.”
  • “You said the Heat would be in the driver’s seat if they made the next basket… happy motoring ahead, we hope…”
  • “LeBron with some string music.”

Thank You, Mike Miller:

Heat at Celtics – March 19, 2014



  • “Haslem gets the block and there was no doubt about that one.”
  • “U-donis, U-did-it!”
  • “The equal opportunity offense for Spoelstra’s Heat…”
  • “Rio Kabooms!”
  • “Udonis streaking through… And he is binging here in the first quarter.”
  • “Nice pass through the middle. Heat getting lots of mileage of penetration and passing.”
  • “Bosh off the pump-fake, delivers again.”
  • “Birdman with the flip and the foul!”
  • “Bosh leading with the rebound hat and gloves on tonight.”
  • “Chris Anderson with the offensive rebound. “Bird” is the word. You love it when the Birdman is flapping his wings under the backboard.”
  • “Birdman, flying into the hoop.”
  • “I think [Boston] recognizes that shot by Ray Allen. I don’t know why the hold it against Ray Allen for leaving. Boston was in a rebuilding year.”
  • “U-donis, U-did-it-again. UD, 7 of 8 shooting.”
  • “Well he landed elbow first… that looked like the WWF for Humphries.”
  • “Cole from the corner… Kaboom!”
  • “Bosh with a rainbow jumper.”
  • “Chris Bosh, playing with the eye of the tiger tonight on defense.”
  • “TD Garden, AKA a House of Horror for Miami.”

Bobcats at Heat – March 3, 2014 (LBJ Breaks Franchise Record With 61 Points)


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  • “Giddy up! Off we go on another Miami Heat NBA Adventure.”
  • “LeBron’s wearing the mask, and wearing out every team in the league… Since wearing the mask, there’s been no stopping him.”
  • “Bosh gets the laser-beam assist from LeBron James.”
  • “Tonight they have left a pitbull off the leash with Toney Douglas.”
  • “LeBron racing to the baseline, here he comes… Battier… Kaboom! Well, another gift-wrapped 3 for Shane Battier off the drive and dish from LeBron.”
  • “Bosh on a blow by! – He can burn you with jump shots, and he can beat you off the dribble.”
  • “Kaboom! Ray Allen returns the favor from downtown.”
  • “James on the drive… James on the answer.”
  • “Tolliver with an airball, and another LeBron James assault.”
  •  “Miami on a 12 to 3 run … make it 15 to 3 on a Kaboom from LeBron James… Well that’s an avalanche in South Florida sparked by defense.”
  • “You talk old school Heat, you can never leave out the student-doctor, Rony Seikaly.”
  • “Let’s take a look at the Greg Oden screen. This will be a total eclipse of Luke Ridnour. That’s a Kaboom.”
  • “Chalmers finds Oden. Look out below!”
  • “LeBron looking Kidd-Gilchrist right in the eyes and then knocking it home. No stopping King James. He has 23.”
  • “Al Jefferson is having a barbeque at the Heat’s house.”
  • “LeBron may have taken a knee to the right thigh. Well you don’t want to take his durability for granted, but at times he does appear to be indestructible.”
  • “Kaboom. LeBron James. Why stop now?”
  • “LeBron on the step back, and he delivers. 8 straight points for King James.”
  • “Bosh with the offensive rebound… Ka-Bosh!”
  • “That was one the worst looking deliveries of the jump shot (from Kid-Gilchrist) that you will ever see in the NBA today. Take a look at this delivery – it’s a shooting flaw that I wonder if it will ever be corrected. Tony, he was the second pick, and the jury very much still out on Kid-Gilchrist… Immediate dividends not being paid off in Charlotte.” (Tony Fio: we don’t mean get on his case, but he doesn’t have good form on his J.)
  • “Kemba has lost all 10 games against the Heat in his first 3 years in the league… a far too common plight for Heat opponents.”
  • “Chalmers missing… James, the exact opposite. He’s been near perfect tonight.”
  • “Oh man, can it look any easier for LeBron James. Going to the stripe with 42 points.”
  • “Another 3 for James. He’s 7 for 7 from downtown. 46 for LeBron James.”
  • “So LeBron James 7 for 7, … Can he do it again? Yes! 8 for 8 from Kaboom Town. Welcome to his kingdom. And this crowd in an uproar.”
  • “Birdman will let it fly… a Bird-Boom!”
  • “There have been no detours; no yellow lights for LeBron James tonight…51 points in 31 minutes for LeBron James…  He did it! Another jumper for LeBron. 53 for LeBron. It has just become, with 53 points, the 3rd highest scoring game in Heat history.”
  • “Dwyane Wade looking on: A phenomenal barrage of will-power and skill-power for LeBron James.” (Tony Fio: did somebody say the MVP race was over?)
  • “Cole down at the end of the bench. Ouch! Not the bell you want rung.”
  • “James is doubled. 6 on the shot clock. James… off the spin… for the record. LeBron has a Miami Heat record: 57 points in tonight’s game. Glen Rice, your record lasted for 19 years, and now is number two.”
  • “So LeBron James, the most points scored by a Heat player, and he’s not done yet…”
  • “…LeBron might come out of the game now. And they rise to their feet at the Heat’s house, also known as ‘LeBron’s kingdom.’”
  • “Well you just never know. You come to work, turn on the Heat, and watch franchise history unfold right before your eyes.”
  • “The first 60 point game in Miami Heat history…”
  • “61 for LeBron James… You know, LeBron very rarely is satisfied, but right now, with the top coming off, he knows he’s done enough, and he’s getting the love from the Heat fans right now. LeBron’s 61: majestic…. The moment is LeBron’s.” (Tony Fio: the next order of business for LeBron, a good night’s sleep)
  • “The co-captain, Udonis gets his name in the box score.”
  • “A phenomenal barrage by LeBron James tonight… Ball game is over.”