Miami Heat at New York Knicks – November 30, 2014




  • “Well to the HeatNation and to all of the Heat fans around the world, off we go on another Miami Heat New York Knick NBA adventure.”
  • “Well the Knicks cant find the biscuit in the basket just yet.”
  • “McRoberts for Rio’s 3, Kaboom!”
  • “Ennis, Kaboom!”
  • “Ennis, oh my! A crusher on a line drive pass from Chalmers!”
  • “Ennis on the handle again, back for a McRoberts 3. Kaboom!”
  • “McRoberts, another Kaboom!”
  • “Instead of one fell swoop it was one fell hoop!” (referring to Wade’s GW in MSG on March 14, 2005 – 50th win of the season)
  • “Ah finally, the Kaboom from Shawne Williams. He does extend his 3 point streak to a 15th game; when he’s not splashing 3’s, I find myself not as comfortable as I’d like to be, Coach.”
  • “Bosh tees up a 3, Kaboom! That’s his 22nd Kaboom of the season!”
  • “You know, if you’re setting a screen for Carmelo Anthony, you gotta feel like a pulling guard for a 1000 yard rusher.”
  • “…And Udonis squeezing the air out of the Spalding on that rebound.”
  • “Wade, got it… about 15 thousand knick fans just sunk down into their seats, and you saw heat fans all over the building just spring up like a jack in the box. Dwyane Wade will do that to you…. Jump out of your seat at home”
  • “Wade over the top of Shumpert. Oh my! Dwyane Wade has been phenomenal. He’s got this crowd quiet. 17 points second half points… make that 19… Wade is on fire here in Madison Square Garden. He owns the building right now.”
  • “Wade to Bosh for a 3. Kabosh!”

FINAL SCORE: 86 Heat, 79 Knicks

Wade: 27 pts (11/18), 5 rb, 5 ast

Bosh: 20 pts (7/18), 9 rb

Full Game Highlights

Wade Highlights

Wade Union

Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks – November 9, 2014




  • “Glad to have you with us, and off we go on another Miami Heat NBA adventure!”
  • “It starts with a Deng jumper; the first shot is a Deng and a bang!”
  • “Chalmers has to hoist, Kaboom!”
  • “Open man is Udonis… U-did-it!”
  • “Josh to the lane… Oh that’s well done for McRoberts who showed poise and patience.”
  • “The Heat team attacking with impunity!”
  • “3 on the shot clock, Wade gotta let it go, he got it off, and he knocked it home for the Kaboom!”
  • “That’s an offensive foul! Well Mr. take-charge-man himself, Udonis Haslem, draws the foul. He’s been doing this for a dozen years. Captain of the take-charge club, Miami branch!”
  • “Chalmers with 2 to shoot – Kaboom! Another 3 pointer under duress and he has connected 3 times from Kaboom-Town!”
  • “Deng has 19 points and He’s doing it to the efficient tune of 9 for 11 shooting.”
  • “Deng open for 3, Kaboom!”
  • “I guess travelling is currently permitted here in the American Airlines Center.”
  • “A dynamite dish for McRoberts!”
  • “Chalmers to a wide open Deng, Kaboom! Well the ball keeps moving and splashing. It has become very quiet here in the American Airlines Center. Miami up by a 3 touchdown lead – Miami up by 21!”
  • “The straight away 3 from Deng, Kaboom!”

FINAL SCORE: Heat 105, Mavericks 96

Deng: 30 pts (13/19), 5 rb, 4 ast

Wade: 20 pts (9/18), 10 ast

Bosh: 20 pts (7/10), 10 rb, 5 ast

Record: 5-2

Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Deng Highlights.

Bosh Postgame.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Minnesota T-Wolves at Miami Heat – November 8, 2014




  • “Nice pitch by Wade – Deng, Kaboom!”
  • “Wade with 7 on the shot clock, finds Udonis… U-Did-It!”
  • “Haslem streaking in – He’s a scoring machine!”
  • “Kaboom, Shawne Williams!”
  • “Look at Deng, behind his back – Cole to the Goal!”
  • “Wade inside, hangs in the air, draws the foul, does a full somersault and will go to the free-throw line after the acrobatics.”
  • “Napier looking for the trailer, and another thunderous dunk by James Ennis.”
  • “Bosh with the jab step, now the step back. Book it! Oh nice play, oh my!”

FINAL SCORE: Heat 102, T-Wolves 92

Wade: 25 pts (11/16), 8 ast, 2 stl

Bosh: 24 pts (9/21), 7 rb

Deng: 14 pts (6/9)

Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Wade Highlights + Interview.

Bosh Postgame.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Miami Heat at Charlotte Hornets – November 5, 2014

  • “Good evening Heat Nation and off we go on another Miami Heat NBA adventure.”
  • “Kaboom! Shawne Williams with an open 3.”
  • “Bosh cleans the glass.”
  • “McRoberts with a tough dunk of the lob from wade. Nice McSmash for McRoberts off the Wade dish.”
  • “Wade penetrates – Williams, Kaboom!”
  • “Kaboom for Bosh!”
  • “The 700th career block for Dwyane Wade.”
  • “Chris bosh out of the pack with his 13th

FINAL SCORE: Hornets 96, Heat 89

Wade: 25 pts (9/18), 7 ast

Bosh: 23 pts (7/18), 13 rb


Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Bosh Postgame.


Must Improve: (i) Too much dribbling, not enough ball movement; (ii) must make open shots; (iii) missing free-throws in the 4th; (iv) must rotate on D to get the outside shooter, but still come back and box out; (v) lack of assists; (vi) no contribution from the PG spot for most of the game.

Houston Rockets at Miami Heat – November 4, 2014




  • “Here’s an open 3 for Shawne Williams. Kaboom!”
  • “Nice duck in for Wade; He gets glass for his first score.”
  • “[Fio’s] even done research on the beard of James Harden. You are well prepared.”
  • “Hamilton loads up a triple, and makes it… Hamilton, same spot. Kaboom!”
  • “Beverly colliding with Chalmers. Well, Mario Chalmers, welcome back to the take-charge club!”
  • “Shawne Williams the corner tre, Kaboom! How about 3 for 3 shooting from downtown for Williams?”
  • “Wade on the offensive glass, hooking over Harden for the score.”
  • “Ariza, deep corner 3 hit the side of the board, a good, strong closeout by Wade… Wade, good, strong closeout on that end too!”
  • “Oh, the Heat defending extremely well. Sideline to sideline.”
  • “Dwyane Wade’s as decorated as you can be…”
  • “Wade zigging and zagging through the Rockets’ defense.”
  • “Good body language, and English for Chalmers.”
  • “Chalmers out of the corner, Kaboom!”
  • “Some tough sweating over the 2nd and 3rd quarters for Luol Deng.”
  • “Bosh. KABOSH!”
  • “You can see a welt on the side of Hamilton’s head. He’s getting a real baptism on the defense end in his 11th NBA game.” (Fio: “…and He’s gonna have a headache.”)
  • “Oh Napier, left a fingerprint on the cookie jar. No, the foul goes against Dwight Howard. Napier did have the clean steal.”
  • “Hamilton a corner 3, Kaboom!”

FINAL SCORE: Rockets 108, Heat 91

Bosh: 21 pts (8/14), 8 rb

Wade: 19 pts (7/11)

Williams: 14 pts (4/6), 5 rb

Hamilton: 12 pts (3/8), 7 rb

Full Game Highlights.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Dwyane Postgame.

Bosh Postgame.

Hamilton Postgame.