Miami Heat at Milwaukee Bucks – December 5, 2014

  • “19th game of the regular season, and off we go on another Miami Heat NBA adventure.”
  • “That’s a great hustle by Chalmers, putting the pedal to the metal on both sides of the floor.”
  • “Smooth as silk. The Chris Bosh jumper gives Miami their first lead of the game.”
  • “Napier for 3, Shaboom!”
  • “Chalmers for Bosh, dunks it home!”
  • “Bosh tees up a 3, Kaboom!”
  • “Dwyane Wade (hits jumper) … a guy that’s still doing it…”
  • “Ennis unloads… Kaboom!”
  • “Granger open, wide open, Kaboom!”
  • “Shabazz with the answer. Shaboom! Napier with his second Shaboom of the night.”

FINAL SCORE: Bucks 109, Heat 85

Wade: 28 pts (10/18), 8 ast

Bosh: 21 pts (9/23), 6 rb

Full Game Highlights

Coach Spo Postgame


… Let’s get this shit together.

Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks – November 9, 2014




  • “Glad to have you with us, and off we go on another Miami Heat NBA adventure!”
  • “It starts with a Deng jumper; the first shot is a Deng and a bang!”
  • “Chalmers has to hoist, Kaboom!”
  • “Open man is Udonis… U-did-it!”
  • “Josh to the lane… Oh that’s well done for McRoberts who showed poise and patience.”
  • “The Heat team attacking with impunity!”
  • “3 on the shot clock, Wade gotta let it go, he got it off, and he knocked it home for the Kaboom!”
  • “That’s an offensive foul! Well Mr. take-charge-man himself, Udonis Haslem, draws the foul. He’s been doing this for a dozen years. Captain of the take-charge club, Miami branch!”
  • “Chalmers with 2 to shoot – Kaboom! Another 3 pointer under duress and he has connected 3 times from Kaboom-Town!”
  • “Deng has 19 points and He’s doing it to the efficient tune of 9 for 11 shooting.”
  • “Deng open for 3, Kaboom!”
  • “I guess travelling is currently permitted here in the American Airlines Center.”
  • “A dynamite dish for McRoberts!”
  • “Chalmers to a wide open Deng, Kaboom! Well the ball keeps moving and splashing. It has become very quiet here in the American Airlines Center. Miami up by a 3 touchdown lead – Miami up by 21!”
  • “The straight away 3 from Deng, Kaboom!”

FINAL SCORE: Heat 105, Mavericks 96

Deng: 30 pts (13/19), 5 rb, 4 ast

Wade: 20 pts (9/18), 10 ast

Bosh: 20 pts (7/10), 10 rb, 5 ast

Record: 5-2

Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Deng Highlights.

Bosh Postgame.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Minnesota T-Wolves at Miami Heat – November 8, 2014




  • “Nice pitch by Wade – Deng, Kaboom!”
  • “Wade with 7 on the shot clock, finds Udonis… U-Did-It!”
  • “Haslem streaking in – He’s a scoring machine!”
  • “Kaboom, Shawne Williams!”
  • “Look at Deng, behind his back – Cole to the Goal!”
  • “Wade inside, hangs in the air, draws the foul, does a full somersault and will go to the free-throw line after the acrobatics.”
  • “Napier looking for the trailer, and another thunderous dunk by James Ennis.”
  • “Bosh with the jab step, now the step back. Book it! Oh nice play, oh my!”

FINAL SCORE: Heat 102, T-Wolves 92

Wade: 25 pts (11/16), 8 ast, 2 stl

Bosh: 24 pts (9/21), 7 rb

Deng: 14 pts (6/9)

Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Wade Highlights + Interview.

Bosh Postgame.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Miami Heat at Charlotte Hornets – November 5, 2014

  • “Good evening Heat Nation and off we go on another Miami Heat NBA adventure.”
  • “Kaboom! Shawne Williams with an open 3.”
  • “Bosh cleans the glass.”
  • “McRoberts with a tough dunk of the lob from wade. Nice McSmash for McRoberts off the Wade dish.”
  • “Wade penetrates – Williams, Kaboom!”
  • “Kaboom for Bosh!”
  • “The 700th career block for Dwyane Wade.”
  • “Chris bosh out of the pack with his 13th

FINAL SCORE: Hornets 96, Heat 89

Wade: 25 pts (9/18), 7 ast

Bosh: 23 pts (7/18), 13 rb


Full Game Highlights.

Wade Postgame.

Bosh Postgame.


Must Improve: (i) Too much dribbling, not enough ball movement; (ii) must make open shots; (iii) missing free-throws in the 4th; (iv) must rotate on D to get the outside shooter, but still come back and box out; (v) lack of assists; (vi) no contribution from the PG spot for most of the game.

Houston Rockets at Miami Heat – November 4, 2014




  • “Here’s an open 3 for Shawne Williams. Kaboom!”
  • “Nice duck in for Wade; He gets glass for his first score.”
  • “[Fio’s] even done research on the beard of James Harden. You are well prepared.”
  • “Hamilton loads up a triple, and makes it… Hamilton, same spot. Kaboom!”
  • “Beverly colliding with Chalmers. Well, Mario Chalmers, welcome back to the take-charge club!”
  • “Shawne Williams the corner tre, Kaboom! How about 3 for 3 shooting from downtown for Williams?”
  • “Wade on the offensive glass, hooking over Harden for the score.”
  • “Ariza, deep corner 3 hit the side of the board, a good, strong closeout by Wade… Wade, good, strong closeout on that end too!”
  • “Oh, the Heat defending extremely well. Sideline to sideline.”
  • “Dwyane Wade’s as decorated as you can be…”
  • “Wade zigging and zagging through the Rockets’ defense.”
  • “Good body language, and English for Chalmers.”
  • “Chalmers out of the corner, Kaboom!”
  • “Some tough sweating over the 2nd and 3rd quarters for Luol Deng.”
  • “Bosh. KABOSH!”
  • “You can see a welt on the side of Hamilton’s head. He’s getting a real baptism on the defense end in his 11th NBA game.” (Fio: “…and He’s gonna have a headache.”)
  • “Oh Napier, left a fingerprint on the cookie jar. No, the foul goes against Dwight Howard. Napier did have the clean steal.”
  • “Hamilton a corner 3, Kaboom!”

FINAL SCORE: Rockets 108, Heat 91

Bosh: 21 pts (8/14), 8 rb

Wade: 19 pts (7/11)

Williams: 14 pts (4/6), 5 rb

Hamilton: 12 pts (3/8), 7 rb

Full Game Highlights.

Coach Spo Postgame.

Dwyane Postgame.

Bosh Postgame.

Hamilton Postgame.