Philadelphia 76ers at Miami Heat – April 16, 2014 (Fan Appreciation Day + Battier’s Last Regular Season Game)


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–       “Here’s a little runway to the playoffs for D. Wade.”

–       “Help does not come, and Wade takes advantage!”

–       “Wade euro-stepping through the lane for the score… What a beautiful play for Dwyane Wade.”

–       “Wade pitches back to James Jones for 3 – Kaboom! – James Jones with the second Kaboom of the game!”

–       “Battier for 3 – Kaboom!”

–       “Out of the corner, its Shane, Kaboom!”

–       “Justin Hamilton derailing Michael Carter-Williams and picks up the loose ball…”

–       “You have to admire the gusto that Anderson went to the tin with…”

–       “Shane Battier, the ‘Duke of Downtown.’”

–       “I like what he’s doing – its like a workshop for Wade…”

–       “For Justin Hamilton, that mask looks like a magnet of trouble.”

–       “UD is Mr. 305.”

–       “Oh my! A ferocious block by Greg Oden! You take the foul on a play like that… Although Oden’s a little chafed – He thought he had a clean swat…He almost dislocated his shoulder … the force that Oden repelled that with.”

–       “That was a Frankenstein foul!”

–       “We have a time out, and more nuggets to drop on your Heat laps…”

–       “The fans are going bonkers!”

–       “Birdman!”

–       “Justin Hamilton is a wrecking ball. He’s fallen down about a half dozen times This guy doesn’t need a mask, he needs a full set of body armor…”

o   Tony Fio: “Well the equipment guy is gonna be upset because he has to use extra detergent on his uniform every night…”

o   Eric Reid: “I like that, its keeping his hair down… that would look good with a hair cap over the face mask…”

–       “Shane battier just played his final regular season NBA game… For Battier his 977th career regular season game, and He says his last. The playoffs will serve as the ultimate encore…”

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