Grizzlies at Heat – March 21, 2014 (Mike Miller Ring Night)



  • “Wade under duress, but right on the money.”
  • “Greg Oden comes out … and the baton gets passed to Chris Anderson.”
  • Tony Fio: “It’s a battle of the bigs tonight, there’s gonna be a lot of banging.”
  • “LeBron goes bottom up on the wing jumper over Gasol.”
  • “…And LeBron throws it out of bounds – Cole had vacated the area.”
  • “Bosh for 3… Ka-Bosh!”
  • “Allen… nifty score from Ray Allen … he has 14 ageless minutes of the bench.”
  • “When it comes to Greg Oden, size matters.”
  • “The decibel level, matching the energy level by the heat… keep on rising.”
  • “LeBron climbed the ladder and scored.”
  • “You said the Heat would be in the driver’s seat if they made the next basket… happy motoring ahead, we hope…”
  • “LeBron with some string music.”

Thank You, Mike Miller:

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